Archive for January 1st, 2012


2012: Something new every day this year

So as 2011 winded down, i took a look back at the year and reflected on what had occurred.  I had done some cool new things like climbing the Half Dome at Yosemite

The Top

I also ran my first full marathon (Rock n Roll San Diego) and first Half Marathon (DIsney Half), did half a Tough Mudder (running up Snow Summit at 35 degrees doing ice water obstacles the week BEFORE the marathon was not the greatest idea), moved 3 times, Lived with 11 different room mates, decided to become a foodie and a hipster and grew a killer stache from September through December

My face with the Cirque

However, i also re-watched the same episodes of The Office and The Simpsons, ordered the same fast food menu items, went on the same social network sites daily.  And one thing that i realized is that those days that were nothing but made up of routine were not very memorable.  Yet those days where i either did something new or different (even in terms of trying a new food, beer, pillow case), are, at least temporarily, ingrained into the part of my brain that keeps these memories.  Unlike the part that remembers where i left my keys.  That part of my brain is broken.

But i digress…

In 2012 I will try something new, EVERYDAY.  Some of these new things will be amazing, and others will seem dull.  But the goal isnt to experience life like rich kids do when they travel to Europe and Asia and still find enough money to buy DSLRs with multiple lenses.  Its one that even the low income street gang thug could appreciate.  It will be a blog full of whimsy, grammar and spelling errores.  You will laugh, you will cry, you will want to unfriend me on Facebook.  But in the end, you will realize that you too could do what I do, and experience something new every day, and write about it.  Just don’t make your blog address sound to close to mine.  So I hope you enjoy reading, and I hope I am disciplined enough to stay at least within 3 days of updating this blog.




January 2012